We have arrived. Finally. To the last stretch of this year. We have squeezed in as much as we could before taking a well-deserved break, a retreat etc. depending on each of our personal needs. There have been some sharings and questions regarding how to navigate the fun and at times overwhelming wave of Christmas. Whether you celebrate it big or small, at home or abroad, with family and/or friends, there are a few simple adjustments one could make good use of. So, if you happen to feel tired, worried about the food intake and afraid you’ll feel guilty again when coming out through the end of Christmas – or whatever else reason - you are welcome to take a quick peek at these few tips below.
BODY - a few simple considerations
DIET (Beware, these are suggestions for average people with generally good health thus without any specific health conditions or diseases.)
1. Make sure you don’t mix:
o fruits with any other foods. Make sure you either eat a fruit 30mins before a meal or 2hours after a meal
o Fish with cheese, eggs, milk
o Too many food items
2. Agni/digestion booster
o eat before each meal 1-3 thin slices of fresh ginger (peeled) with a few drops of honey, lemon and a pinch of salt
o Drink 1 cup of warm, cooked water during your meals, little sip by little sip
3. Have smaller sizes of meals or make sure you skip the next one, so you do not overload your digestive tract. E.g., you had a heavy lunch than make sure you skip dinner or have a small portion of soup or any cooked veggies you find on the table OR you had a heavy dinner, so you skip breakfast the next day in the morning
4. Be mindful with alcohol and processed sugar , 1 cup of red wine/1 moment of dessert a day is more than enough. And only for maximum 2 days.
This is the bridge between body and mind. It helps to counter-act tiredness, heaviness and a feeling of being stuck. It aids in both mental (emotions, thoughts) and physical digestion. And it can be a fun activity to do even when visiting friends and family – take them out for a walk. Go for walks wherever you are, before a meal or after a meal, through the city on cute alleys, a park or a forest.
Be honest with yourself and see how much of the social contact you need but can also take.Can it be spread out over more days? Do you take enough rest in-between? I will share a story to illustrate what I mean when I say "rest". It might inspire you. While I was sitting in the sand on the Portuguese coast today, quiet with my nose in the sun, someone asked me: “are you charging your batteries?”. I smiled while I actually thought what I was doing was not to get more of anything but releasing anything that is not needed so I make space for the energy that we all have and which is, in fact, boundless. So, I was not uploading anything but downloading the stress, the haste, the worry of the past weeks. And with that, very organically, the life force could be felt again. How can you create these pockets of "downloading" for yourself?
MIND – your most powerful ally
If you feel you had too much to eat, did not follow any of the tips and feel heavy and tired … please do not feel guilty. It drains your energy and leaves you feeling even worse. Instead accept what happened, be grateful for the abundance and then be honest with yourself. Take whatever action is required to help you relieve any discomfort you are experiencing. Be self-responsible and self-loving. Both is possible at the same time.
Moreover, make sure you take time to read that book that has been lingering on the night desk, take that walk on the beach/in the forest, go to that yoga class, have a longer sleep and skip scrolling that phone. For at least one full day if not more. If you see something you feel like capturing with the camera of your phone, make an effort to memorize it with your heart.
Close your eyes. Breath out. Breath in and then breath out again. Use this opportunity to truly connect with your friends and family, as much as the circumstances allow. Listen when they talk for the sake of listening and holding space for them. If you are hugging them, give them the hug of a lifetime. Look into people’s eyes. Smile. Dry a tear. Let someone else dry your tears if needed. Let someone else hold you for a moment or two. Dance together. Be present. It is the biggest gift one human being can give another, this loving presence.
For Christmas with care,